Friday, I’m in love: 6.27.14

I’m a big fan of pugs and Game of Thrones so this has to be one of the best mash-ups I’ve ever seen. We’re really hoping to get a dog once we move in September and it’s very possible I might make costumes and dress them up just like this. (My hope is to name our pug Frodo Puggins because WHY NOT!)

Get those tissues you ready. A kid was asked to throw out the first pitch at a Kansas City Royals game which would be awesome enough for anyone. But what he doesn’t know is that his father who’s been away on active duty for a year is disguised as the pitcher. I’m a sucker for videos of military families being reunited.

A Comprehensive Guide to Everyone Kanye West Has Ever Compared Himself To is pretty fantastic. I hope we have many more years of Kanye thinking he’s better than everyone because, let’s face it, he is.

I’m thinking about signing up for the Belmont Street Fair in September to sell some of my Bacon & Glitter goodies. I got some great advice last night about what I’m in for and I think this summer I’m going to spend a lot of time trying to expand the products I’m offering and hopefully start showcasing some of my favorite fandoms. I’ll also be introducing brooches and some embroidered hoops for your home. Be sure to check out the shop regularly to see what I have to offer. And as always I would love to work with you on creating a custom piece!

This teaser for Mockingjay is so wonderful and sad at the same time.

Two years ago today Nate & I arrived in PDX to start our new life. It’s been nothing short of an adventure and I’m so glad we took the plunge. If you ever have the opportunity to pack up your life and move to the city of your dreams I suggest you do it. You won’t regret it.

I’m very excited for this weekend because it’s the first Do-Over of the summer. I hope the rain lets up so we can enjoy being outside. But I still plan on dancing my butt off even if it’s pouring. I need to just dance and let go of everything for an afternoon. Also drinking really expensive drinks and listening to world class DJ’s won’t hurt. Plus if Elijah Wood shows up like he did in LA I might scream. Hell, I know I’ll scream and probably try to hug him. And show him my LOTR tattoo.

Hey, a girl can dream.

Friday, I’m in love: 5.23.14


Happy Friday! This has been such a whirlwind week, jam packed with errands and busy evenings, so I am really looking forward to sleeping in and laying low this weekend.

I road my bike to work yesterday for the first time which was pretty exciting. It’s all downhill on the way to the office which is nice and easy, but heading home at the end of the day is going to take some training. I rode about 1/2 the way yesterday and walked about 1/2 when I got to some big inclines. I’m determined to just keep at it because I know it will get easier. (And thank yeezus for lower gears!)

This weekend I’m going to a barre3 class with my friend Christa. If you haven’t heard of barre3 it’s an exercise program that combines ballet, pilates, & yoga… and it will seriously kick your butt into shape. I’ve been consistently going once a week again this month and it’s really helping to give me some good energy throughout the week. If you’re interested in knowing more about my experience at barre3 you should check out a post I did awhile back over at Campfire Chic.


This weekend might be a good time to catch up on some TV shows we’ve been lagging on because of our busy schedules. I’m loving this infographic from Uproxx that shows just how much time it will take you to binge watch a whole series.


ModCloth+ is having a huge Memorial Day sale this weekend with up to 30% off select summertime styles! I’m loving this Vivid Viewpoint dress+. Be sure to check out all the goodies and pick yourself up something pretty for the nice weather ahead.

I’m pretty excited to check out The Leftovers premiering on HBO next month. Here’s the latest teaser trailer.

And while we’re at it, have you seen the True Blood season 7 trailer? I’m so excited! But I’m also bummed because this is the last season.


These new Sin City posters have me very excited. I’ve been waiting 10 year for a sequel to the original Sin City and August can’t get here soon enough.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend! I hope we don’t get totally rained out here in Portland because I think a bike adventure would be really nice.

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Friday, I’m in love: 5.16.14


Friday, at last! It’s been a pretty wonderful week around these parts. Last night I went to happy hour with Nate’s co-workers and it was a blast. I even ended up leaving the bar with a bushel of rosemary that another patron was passing around to everyone. Only in Portland! So I’m now trying to come up with some yummy was to use it up. I’m sure I’ll have some recipes to share here soon.

So the internet has been very generous to us this week. Here are a few of my favorites:


Grantland is one of my favorite sports & pop culture websites, and every week they have a feature called Mad Men Power Rankings where they list the top 10 characters in that weeks episode. It’s witty and gives a nice wrap up of the episode. If you’re looking for a good read Monday mornings definitely check it out.

Seth Meyers has introduced a new segment called Second Chance Theatre. He gives former SNL cast members a chance to perform a sketch that never made it on the show. The first sketch Jennjamin Franklin was created in Will Forte’s crazy mind and it had me laughing & cringing at the same time.


Marvel is killing it with the TV shows. I’m a HUGE fan of Agents of Shield and now this fall they’ll be introducing Marvel’s Agent Carter. Check out the shows official synopsis on The Nerdist and try to act like you’re not as excited as I am.


Tomorrow is going to be all about practicing my ukulele, reading through the stack of graphic novels I have from the library, and hopefully catching up on the even larger stack of comic books sitting in the middle of my living room.

I’m also really looking forward to Sunday because my book club is finally meeting to discuss Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore. You can read my review here and I hope it inspires you to check it out.

Do you have any fun plans for this weekend?

Friday, I’m in love: 5.9.14


And so goes another week. I’m very excited about this weekend because I just purchased a ukulele and it should be arriving tomorrow. I haven’t played an instrument since high school when I was all about the bass guitar. I wanted to be a punk rocker so bad! I was pop punk at best. Now with my ukulele I can hopefully start the manic pixie girl band of my dreams. Next thing to acquire is a glockenspiel.

SPARK-header1I just started an ecourse from Campfire Chic‘s own Kam this week. It’s called Spark and it’s all about getting that spark for blogging again. I’m really loving all the lessons so far and can’t wait to see all the progress I’ll make over these 30 days. If you’ve felt in a blogging slump you should check it out!

You know how sometimes you have an album for over a year but you’ve never really listened to it. Well after re-listening to The Postal Service’s deluxe 10th anniversary edition of Give Up last weekend I actually listened to the lyrics of Turn Around and was blown away by how much it summed up how I’ve been feeling lately. I love rediscovering music!


Check out these adorable taco cupcakes! The taco is made using a GF Glutino sandwich cookie. So freaking cute!


I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why it’s so hard to make new friends the older I get. So Google lead me to Reddit which led me to this New York Times article. It’s pretty interesting and provides some good insight. I especially liked this quote:

You have come to grips with the responsibilities of juggling work, family and existing friends, so you become more wary about making yourself emotionally available to new people.

Here’s an awesome ukulele cover of Psycho Killer to get you ready for the weekend:

Party on, kids!

Friday, I’m in love: 5.2.14

And so we come to the end of another week. I’m so ready to sleep in tomorrow and hit up Free Comic Book Day. Then Sunday I get to spend all day with Nate and my brother. Needless to say it should be a pretty great weekend. Now on to some of my favorite internet finds this week:

Me too Jo. Me too.


I’ve been really interested in crystals and their healing powers for a while now. Gala Darling has a great post this week that’s like a little crash course into crystals. After reading I definitely feel more confident about what to look for and what kind of crystals I want to pick up.


Nate and I are going to see Jay & Bey this summer in Seattle! I’m so beyond excited. We’re hoping to stay in this awesome Airbnb loft in the Old Rainier Brewery while we’re there. What a cool space!

Del Toro Donald Duck

These Donald Duck sneakers from Del Toro are amazing. Since they’re a bit out of my price range I might have to come up with a DIY version.

I’m so excited for Girl Meets World. I grew up watching Boy Meets World (actually I was just watching re-runs on ABC Family yesterday) and I think it really was one of the best family shows growing up in the 90’s. I hope GMW does just as well.

Don’t forget that it’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY tomorrow! And if LeVar Burton says you should go, you should definitely go. Find a participating comic book store near you.

the zablans

I’m ready to spend some quality time with the hubs on Sunday. His work hosted a fun party last night and it was awesome to hang out with all his new friends and drink lots of fancy cocktails. Also getting dressed up on a Thursday night is never a bad thing. It just might hurt a little on Friday morning.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!